Eventos y noticias



Centennial of Paulo Freire´s birth October 20-21, 2021 

The member organizations of the Initiative for Democratic Education in the Americas (IDEA Network) call for a Hemispheric Forum: “Weaving public education that transforms the world”, to be held on October 20 and 21, 2021.

The peoples of the Americas and the entire world are living through complex moments in which not only the devastating effects of a pandemic, but also new offensives against human rights in all fields, are intersecting. However, the struggle to defend them has been swift, as have actions of solidarity among peoples.

In the face of the challenges we have been facing in public education, such as labor precariousness and the new offensives orchestrated by international organizations, the banner of struggle to defend public, secular, free and emancipatory education continues to be raised. And also a demand for the transformation of the public school, which today is in dispute. For this reason, we consider it strategic to take a look at experiences from across the Americas – alternative education projects and emancipatory pedagogies that seek to build a world with social justice.

A collective reflection within a regional dialogue on the public education we need in this post-pandemic world will allow us to collectively lay out a political position that argues for the education we want – education that transforms people and the world.

In the context of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Paulo Freire, one of the greatest thinkers of the Americas, the forum will be one of the central activities of the continental campaign “Against educational inequality, a transformative education”, promoted by the Initiative for Democratic Education in the Americas (IDEA Network). We hope to find a meeting point between experiences influenced by Freire’s thinking and experiences emanating from popular action and from the cosmovision of indigenous peoples.


Weaving public education that transforms the world


– To place transformative pedagogy into the debate in the context of pandemic, recreating experiences of alternative education throughout our continent.

– Consolidate educational policies that allow us to guarantee the right to education over policies that conceive it as a commodity.

Thematic areas:

– Educational policy in times of pandemic. Resistance and contemporary struggles: a) Dispute over content; b) Working conditions, technologies, teachers and student movements.

– Paulo Freire a hundred years after his birth, the influence of his thought on pedagogical practices.

– Pedagogical alternatives. Experiences from North to South on emancipatory pedagogies.

– Strategies to weave pedagogical struggle throughout the continent.

Speakers: researchers, teachers, students, parents, activists, trade unionists, with work on the topics of interest. Proposals must be sent no later than September 24 to the following e-mail address: redsepaforo2021@gmail.com.  Indicating: 1) Topic in which you are interested in participating; 2) Title of the paper; 3) Abstract of 300 words maximum; 4) Brief biographical sketch of the speaker; 5) E-mail address.

Participants: Researchers, teachers, students, parents, activists, trade unionists, and others interested in the topic.