
Invetigaciones auspiciadas por la RED SEPA

  • Eventos y noticias,  Idea,  Investigaciones

    COVID-19 and Online Learning in Ontario, Canada

    By Gary Fenn (OSSTF-FEESO)* The conservative provincial government promoted their online learning plan as “continuing education” for students.  In reality, it was emergency remote learning.  The government pushed for more synchronous, livestreamed learning sessions with students, rather than allowing students to work at their own pace in an asynchronous way. The Ontario government, like many other provincial governments in Canada, were praising their ability to deliver high quality education using online tools to students across the province.  What we discovered was that many students disengaged from online learning as inequities emerged, and became exacerbated by moving to a fully online format.  Many students lacked access to reliable internet connections, or did not possess the…

  • Investigaciones

    Effects of 15 Years of Neoliberal Policies on Public Education in the Americas

    IDEA Conference Document, Quito, Ecuador, September-October 1999 Social Network for Public Education in the Americas Carlos Mauricio López Tegucigalpa, Honduras The New Landscape and Context of Decentralized Development According to a study carried out by Dr. Jose Antonio Morales Erlich, a Salvadoran politician, the world today is characterized by three main trends in development: 1.1  – A marked tendency toward unipolar politics, represented by the United States and reinforced by the Cold War 1.2  – A tendency toward economic multipolarity in different parts of the world, promoting a rupture in national markets in order to give way to globalization of the economy 1.3  – A generalized tendency toward “modernization” of…

  • Investigaciones

    Alternative for a Democratic Education in America

    Social Network for Public Education in the Americas – SEPA Network Democratic Initiative for Education in the Americas Alternative for a Democratic Education in America What is the Social Network for Public Education in the Americas? What does the Social Network for Public Education in the Americas do? introduction II. Basic premises III. Principles for a Democratic Education IV. The Goals and Objectives V. The Fundamental Contents SAW. Administrative Direction of the School VII. The School System VIII. The conditions IX. Teaching Profile X. Looking for a Common Destination The following proposal was prepared by José Ramos Bosmediano, then International Secretary of the Unitary Union of Education Workers of Peru,…