Revista Intercambio

Intercambio No. 9



The theme of this new issue of IDEA’s Intercambio magazine is “Standardized Exams: Resistances and Alternatives.” This focus grew from the context of the advance of conservative politics in many parts of the Americas – whe- ther in those countries where neoliberalism has remained ensconced for decades, or in those where progressive governments achieved power, but are now being rolled back through coups and pseudo-democratic processes manipulated by judicial power and hegemonic media corporations.

In this context educational evaluation – whe- ther standardized student exams or tests of teacher productivity – is manipulated by he- gemonic powers to justify policies of control, erosion of professional autonomy, structural adjustment, and to commodify and privatize public education.

In issue Number 9 of Intercambio we share articles which analyse the diverse forms of eva- luation being applied in the Americas, as well as strategies of resistance by labour and social movements involved with public education.

Year 7, No. 9, December 2016

 Standardized evaluation.