• Revista Intercambio

    Intercambio 20

    Public Education, Society and Environmental Crisis Year 12, No. 20, may 2023 This issue of Intercambio Magazine explores the public education we need to build an active citizenry with thinking and skills that empower them to address the crises. It outlines obstacles that must be overcome to make these changes in public education, and explores some concrete examples in different parts of the Americas where community and schools come together to defend the earth. The crises of climate change and ecological collapse present dual challenges for public schools throughout the Americas. As institutions working with children and youth from all sectors of society including the most vulnerable, public schools must…

  • Eventos y noticias

    Letter in support

    Letter in support of Guatemalan students, faculty, university workers and professionals who defending the Autonomy of the University of San Carlos and fair transparent and legal elections for university president

  • Revista Intercambio

    Intercambio No.17

    PUBLIC EDUCATION IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC INTRODUCTION In 2020, the Initiative for Democratic Education in the Americas (IDEA Network) hosted a series of webinars called “Public Education in Times of Pandemic” with the objective of analyzing the impact of the crisis on public education. We also wanted to contribute to a discussion on alternatives to the changes that COVID-19 has produced and that have had a serious impact on education. We hoped to make space for reflection on the kind of public education that we will need in a post-pandemic world. The final webinar looked at the big questions like “What will education be like in the new period?” After…

  • Campañas,  Eventos y noticias,  Idea

    Weaving a Public Education that Transforms the World

    Declaration of theHemispheric Forum The Initiative for Democratic Education in America – IDEA, together with students, teachers, education activists and social and trade union organizations of the Americas, commemorate the life and legacy of Paulo Freire. Freire was a great advocate for emancipatory education to build societies with social justice and democracy. We seek to deepen the knowledge of his work, and recognize the pedagogical experiences inspired by his thought and developed in the daily struggles of students, teachers and communities in defense of education as a social right, generating critical, humanistic and transformative thinking.  The disastrous impacts of 40 years of neoliberal privatization of social rights has generated a…

  • Campañas

    Launch of the Campaign

    Dowland poster: Objective:  Weaving networks, building alliances and collective actions that set a horizon for the defense and transformation of the public education our peoples need. At this historical moment in which we’re facing the danger of an educative privatization imposed by the power of the large transnational corporations of information and communication, exacerbating the inequality that affects the exercise of the right to universal and free access to education for the construction of democratic societies and the emancipation of men and women.  ¡An emancipating pedagogy for a public education that transforms! ¡Internet as a right for our peoples ! Participating organizations British Columbia Teachers´ Federation (Canada) Union Nacional Educadores del Ecuador…

  • Eventos y noticias

    16th Trinational Coalition Conference in Defense of Public Education: Declaration, Agreements and Resolutions

    From November 8 -10, 2024, 113 representatives of educators’ unions, student groups and social organizations, and academics from post-secondary institutions, belonging to 31 organizations from 14 states and provinces in Mexico, the United States and Canada met in San Antonio, Texas at the 16th Trinational Conference to analyze the situation of the education sectors in our three countries, share experiences of struggle and agree on actions to defend and teach our rights. We attach below the declaration and resolutions of the 16th Conference.

  • Eventos y noticias,  Idea,  Revista Intercambio,  Sin categoría

    Intercambio 19

    Global Plans for Education Clash with Local Aspirations Year 12, No.19, October 2022 In mid-2019, the Organization for Economic and Co-operative Development (OECD) unveiled its “learning compass.” Described as a “framework that aims to help students navigate towards future well-being,” the Learning Compass outlined the OECD’s goals for global education over the next decade. The compass was unveiled amid colonial tropes of discovery and conquest but couched in perfunctory references to adapting global priorities to the “local context.” It was also introduced on the eve of the COVID pandemic, offering an enticing promise of a charted path to well-being. Indeed, the OECD is now finalizing a “teaching compass,” extending the…

  • Eventos y noticias


    WEAVING PUBLIC EDUCATION THAT TRANSFORMS THE WORLD Centennial of Paulo Freire´s birth October 20-21, 2021  The member organizations of the Initiative for Democratic Education in the Americas (IDEA Network) call for a Hemispheric Forum: “Weaving public education that transforms the world”, to be held on October 20 and 21, 2021. The peoples of the Americas and the entire world are living through complex moments in which not only the devastating effects of a pandemic, but also new offensives against human rights in all fields, are intersecting. However, the struggle to defend them has been swift, as have actions of solidarity among peoples. In the face of the challenges we have…

  • Hemispheric campaign
    Campañas,  Eventos y noticias


    IDEA NETWORK Campaign – 2021 AGAINST EDUCATIONAL INEQUALITY, AN EMANCIPATORY EDUCATION The world has shifted with the grave consequences of the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, affecting all nations and especially those with great structural inequalities within their respective populations.  This health crisis has combined with economic recession, rising unemployment, increased poverty levels and a deepening of preexisting inequalities; products of neoliberal policies that have spread throughout the planet in these times.   This situation is reflected in the education sector by growing inequalities between families regarding standards of living, levels of education, access to internet and the availability of technical resources and digital devices, among other issues. These circumstances also affect the…

  • Campañas,  Eventos y noticias

    IDEA NETWORK Campaign – 2021

    AGAINST EDUCATIONAL INEQUALITY, AN EMANCIPATORY EDUCATION Declaration The world has shifted with the grave consequences of the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, affecting all nations and especially those with great structural inequalities within their respective populations.  This health crisis has combined with economic recession, rising unemployment, increased poverty levels and a deepening of preexisting inequalities; products of neoliberal policies that have spread throughout the planet in these times.   This situation is reflected in the education sector by growing inequalities between families regarding standards of living, levels of education, access to internet and the availability of technical resources and digital devices, among other issues. These circumstances also affect the precariousness of teachers’ working…