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Teaching to Transform: Intercontinental Meeting of Pedagogies of Emancipation and Resistance to Neoliberalism
MEMORY OF THE MEETING The Pedagogical Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada in April 2012, had a wide participation of representatives of organizations, teachers and grassroots teachers, students, who participated as delegates from the different countries of America, attended by about 80 people – 27 Latin America, 2 from England, 1 from Africa, 6 from the United States, and Canadians -. With a work carried out from the plenaries, and in working groups, it was possible to have an approach to how efforts are being articulated for the construction of a transformative pedagogy, some of the lines worked were: 1) Indigenous interculturality; 2) Non-sexist pedagogy; 3) Movement of Education for Emancipation.…
Exercising word and action is the way to Defend Mother Earth
The violence of the armed actors and the media propaganda intensify against our people and against the autonomous actions of our Indigenous Guard. Yesterday the army murdered the commoner Fabián Cuetia in Caldono in cold blood and they took our website off the network, to prevent the country from knowing the truth. Once again the official voice of the regime echoes the infamies of the public force. This morning the front page news of El Espectador was: Army says that indigenous people have committed several crimes in Cauca, text where the rest is not important. “According to Colonel Piraquive in the Vereda El Rosario, Siberia, part of the municipality of…
First Intercambio Magazine – June 2008
Intercambio – Volume 1, Number 1 Contents The standardized testing agenda – Rosemary Lee The case of human rights violations in the “Examen Unico” – Sección Mexicana de la Coalición Trinacionalen Defensa de la Educación Pública The College of Teachers as a Source of Division among Teachers – Larry Kuehn A frustrated attempt to divide the peruvian teaching profession – SUTEP The experience of FREP in formulation and application of A Non-Sexist And Inclusive Educational Proposal – Luzmila Sánchez Cosio and Zoraida I. Aizpurúa Impact of FTAs on public education and the peoples of Central America – Interviews by María Trejos The teaching profession debates and presents proposals for the…
We defend our social rights from FTAs – 2005
Effects of 15 Years of Neoliberal Policies on Public Education in the Americas
IDEA Conference Document, Quito, Ecuador, September-October 1999 Social Network for Public Education in the Americas Carlos Mauricio López Tegucigalpa, Honduras The New Landscape and Context of Decentralized Development According to a study carried out by Dr. Jose Antonio Morales Erlich, a Salvadoran politician, the world today is characterized by three main trends in development: 1.1 – A marked tendency toward unipolar politics, represented by the United States and reinforced by the Cold War 1.2 – A tendency toward economic multipolarity in different parts of the world, promoting a rupture in national markets in order to give way to globalization of the economy 1.3 – A generalized tendency toward “modernization” of…
Alternative for a Democratic Education in America
Social Network for Public Education in the Americas – SEPA Network Democratic Initiative for Education in the Americas Alternative for a Democratic Education in America What is the Social Network for Public Education in the Americas? What does the Social Network for Public Education in the Americas do? introduction II. Basic premises III. Principles for a Democratic Education IV. The Goals and Objectives V. The Fundamental Contents SAW. Administrative Direction of the School VII. The School System VIII. The conditions IX. Teaching Profile X. Looking for a Common Destination The following proposal was prepared by José Ramos Bosmediano, then International Secretary of the Unitary Union of Education Workers of Peru,…