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  • Revista Intercambio

    Intercambio No.5

    PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS INTRODUCTION This edition of the Intercambio magazine focuses one of the most relevant issues in the contribution that education must provide to solve social problems. The environmental crisis, treated this way for not being a natural phenomenon but a result of a particular moment in human society that is living a systematic and multilateral crisis, places us in front of risks that were unimaginable in past centuries, which include threats to the existence of the human species itself.It´s important to understand the characteristics and origins of this crisis in order to act over it. This is why, not only is it required that educative…

  • Revista Intercambio

    Intercambio No.4

    INDIGENOUS EDUCATION SPECIAL ISSUE ON INDIGENOUS EDUCATION INTRODUCTION Within the Initiative for Democratic Education in the Americas (IDEA) there are several structures with different foci, but which share common goals. One of them is the Continental Network of Indigenous Educators (REI), a hemispheric alliance of teachers, students and community organizations that struggle for a public education that responds to the cultural needs, worldview and aspirations of the aboriginal peoples. From November 9th to 12th of 2012, the REI facilitated the Third Continental Encounter of Indigenous Educators in Tikal, classic city of the Mayan people located in the jungles of Guatemala’s El Peten province. The Encounter allowed discussion on indigenous pedagogies…

  • Revista Intercambio

    Intercambio No.3

    ALTERNATIVE PEDAGOGIES INTRODUCTION The IDEA Network promotes various spaces of resistance to attacks on public education as a fundamental right. Intercambio functions as an informative tool for various intrinsically related concerns: to make visible denunciations and proposals to counter neoliberalism and its ruthless effects on education, amongst others.This edition focuses on alternative pedagogical proposals, some still in the ideas stage and others in the process of being implemented, in the face of neo-liberal cuts and policies that promote the commodification of education. Although each proposal has its own specificities rooted in its particular context, we are trying to build a bridge between peoples, a meeting-point, with praxis as a guiding…

  • Revista Intercambio

    Intercambio No.1

    CAMPAIGN FOR A DEMOCRATIC, FORMATIVE AND PARTICIPATORY EVALUATION INTRODUCTION This edition of “INTERCAMBIO” is inscribed within the IDEA Network campaign against standardized testing as a form of exclusion and control of students and professors. The campaign also has the parallel objective to construct evaluation alternatives that foster an integral, humanistic, and democratic education.This issue also aims to continue follow-up to the work of the International Seminar on standardized evaluation and teacher performance organized by the IDEA Network in February 2009 in Mexico City. The central focus is on the struggles against standardized and teacher-performance evaluation and the promotion and articulation of ongoing processes to construct alternatives, developed through the education…

  • Eventos y noticias,  Idea,  Investigaciones

    COVID-19 and Online Learning in Ontario, Canada

    By Gary Fenn (OSSTF-FEESO)* The conservative provincial government promoted their online learning plan as “continuing education” for students.  In reality, it was emergency remote learning.  The government pushed for more synchronous, livestreamed learning sessions with students, rather than allowing students to work at their own pace in an asynchronous way. The Ontario government, like many other provincial governments in Canada, were praising their ability to deliver high quality education using online tools to students across the province.  What we discovered was that many students disengaged from online learning as inequities emerged, and became exacerbated by moving to a fully online format.  Many students lacked access to reliable internet connections, or did not possess the…

  • Eventos y noticias

    Intercambio 15

    PRIVATIZING TRENDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION: SOCIAL RESPONSES AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALTERNATIVES INTRODUCTION We write the introduction to this issue of Intercambio in the midst of the global health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic.We are living a historic moment due to the global character of the pandemic, the number of those infected and those who have died. This health catastrophe has exposed the harm caused by the neoliberal policies that have been applied for more than 30 years, leaving wide open the dismantling of the public, the privatization of health systems, the worsening of living conditions and the prevalence of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, obesity and hypertension. The…

  • Eventos y noticias

    Labour Conditions, schools infrastructure; remote work: virtual education in the pandemia context

    In CTERA’s recently negotiation process with the Ministery of Labour and the Ministery of Education of Argentina, The teachers, present 12 points about Labour Conditions, schools infrastructure; remote work: virtual education in the pandemia context (respect for privacy, to the load of working hours, to rest and to disconnection); licenses and wages, union and labor rights, work accident coverage and in-service teacher training. Also on the return to the fase-to-face classes, which must be resolved with the consensus of the Education Workers at the national level and in the respective jurisdictions. We share the 11 points of agreement reached by CTERA. Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic –…

  • Eventos y noticias

    Platform capitalism colonizes education

    By Larry Kuehn None of us escape the platforms that dominate our 21st Century lives—whether as shoppers, travelers, consumers of most anything, and in our day to day communications.  Most of us pay little critical attention to the underlying structure of the technology platforms that are integrated into many of our activities. A “platform” when used in the technology field means a digital structure on which a range of services are built.  We tend to pay attention to the particular services we are using, not the nature of the underlying structure that makes up the platform. A critical view of the increasing role of technology platforms in education receives even…

  • Eventos y noticias

    Webinar Series

    IDEA Network has launched a series of webinars called Public Education in Times of the Pandemic. Their purpose is to analyze the impact and the state of public education within the context of the pandemic crisis. Several subjects have been selected for their discussion with the organizations, and to advance in the construction of a common agenda for international fight. The series are offered to social, student or popular organizations and unions committed to the defense of Public Education as a social right. Teachers, researchers, university students and the general public, who are interested on the matter, are also invited. Who can participate? Organizations that belong to IDEA Network. Teacher…